Mission Statement

↔↑←↑←↓→↨↔↑Mission Statement←↓→↨↔↑↔↑←↓

Every stone deserves a place to be. Especially when someone has gone out of their way to make it so, then, in doing so, later decides that something went wrong and the stone gets tossed to the side. Perhaps it wasn’t a stone at all, but someone thought it was, therefore it got cast out. Perhaps it is a piece of metal, borne of the scrap of 'ill refuse.'

Our mission is to show that each and every stone, no matter how mangled it is, no matter what it has seen in its better days, it shall have a place in our world, a place to show it’s own beauty before it returns to the big furnaces below where it will be melted, reformed, and remade into something new in the future; long after we are gone. After all, aren't we all living on borrowed time?

Just because it has been cast aside here, over and over, by hands searching for the perfect specimen; just because it has now become one of the “unchosen,” we have made a place for it in our world; because like stone, we, as people also have our own misfits and unchosen, and we are all here together in this world. There is truly a place for all.

It’s amazing when one thinks about it; the thing is: we have been led to believe that we are all perfect in our own way. The reality is that there are only a few absolutely perfect things in this world, and the rest of us?

Welcome to the MiSFiTS.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Ohhh Boy...we have newbies coming!

We have 2 new members about to arrive at MisFits. This is all I will divulge at this time.

But be sufficed to know that your wait will be worth it.

I have been made fully aware of the alter-ability that I will be presented with; and

I can already see the finished product in my mind's eye.

My job will be: making it happen.

That's all. The art and creativity will come through my hands when it is needed.

Should be fine.

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