I have been tagged by Wires 'n Pliers with 8 Random Things about myself:
1. I am excited about working on my most recent MisFit, the headless one, and as soon as I am done here, I plan to do that.
2. I live in a family of alter abled individuals that laugh alot.
3. I love coming home from work each day.
4. I have a very creative imagination and because of it, I need to have my notebook nearby for my ideas that come to me.
5. I enjoy hot fudge sundaes.
6. I completely agree that we are all part of the sum that make a whole, we are all alterabled, some show it on the outside, some carry it on the inside, but none of us are perfect.
7. I don't care for SuperBowl Sunday, and I will hide from it, plus get a lot of work
done during it, but I will sneak in for the chips and dip and stuff to eat.
done during it, but I will sneak in for the chips and dip and stuff to eat.
8. I have been known to get out of bed in the middle of the night in order to bid and win on
an ebay auction.
an ebay auction.